Short Back Session

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This short sequence, created by Göran Boll, has since 1996 been introduced to tens of thousands of employees at several hundred of Sweden’s largest and most well-known workplaces – and since 1998, when the Karolinska Institute tested it in a study on unspecified back pain, it has repeatedly been included in research on yoga in Sweden – for various heart problems, stress and mental illness, and more. Uppsala University hospital offered it to cancer patients over a ten year period. AstraZeneca included it in an eight year project as rehabilitation for personnel on long term sick leave.

Do the exercises slowly, gently and carefully. Be extra careful with the last exercise: the neck-roll. It should never create pain or severe physical discomfort to practice yoga this way. No root locks during menstruation or pregnancy.

Yoga exercises may be strenuous and challenging – but practicing yoga should never involve sharp physical pain. End all exercises with the root lock. However: no root locks during menstruation or pregnancy.

Unless otherwise indicated, keep your eyes closed and maintain an inner focus, through the third eye point, between the eye brows, throughout the exercise. Mentally vibrate the mantra I AM or SAT NAM in rhythm with breathing (inhale SAT or I, exhale NAM or AM) both while doing the exercise and while resting between exercises.

I hope you will like and get nice benefits from this sequence!

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